Tory Leader Urges Britain To Lead the Way in Tidal Energy. By Geoffrey Lean, London Independent, June 15, 2008. "Britain will put 'rocket boosters' behind developing tide and wave energy under a future Conservative government, [Tory leader] David Cameron [promised in a speech today as he undertakes] to force a debate in the House of Commons to get the Government to explain 'why so little has been done for so long' to exploit the energy pounding the country's shores. [The speech]... almost immediately follows the connection of Britain's first-ever tidal turbine to the grid. The turbine, the first of its kind in the world, has been installed in Northern Ireland's Strangford Lough and will shortly start generating enough electricity to power 1,140 homes directly. The development by a small West Country firm of the 122ft-long, 1,000 ton device -- which looks like a giant inverted windmill -- has partially inspired Cameron to pledge 'to make Britain the force for clean, green, marine energy.'"

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