
Marburg, Germany: a Solar Trendsetter. By Jess Smee, London Guardian, June 23, 2008. "[Setting a national precedent,] solar panels will soon grace the roofs of the quiet medieval town of Marburg under a controversial new law forcing owners of all new or renovated buildings in its limits to include solar panels... A coalition of Social Democrats and Greens passed the ruling late on Friday... Anyone failing to comply will face a [one-thousand Euro] fine. The law stipulates that, from October, a 1-square metre panel must be built for every 20-square metres of surface area. It applies to new homes or existing buildings undergoing renovations to heating systems or roofs... A few German towns have beefed up regulations to encourage energy conservation in new buildings. But Marburg, which is home to 80,000 people, has gone a step further by including the owners of older houses in the new legislation."

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