
Japan to Promote Solar Power for Households. By Tetsushi Kajimoto and Nathan Layne, Reuters, June 23, 2008. "The Japanese government will come up with measures on Tuesday to promote the household use of solar power systems by introducing subsidies and tax breaks from next year... The... steps... include halving the cost of buying solar power systems in Japan, home to... Sharp, Kyocera and Sanyo Electric... Details of subsidies and tax cuts would be decided by the end of August... [PM Yasuo Fukuda], aiming to take the lead in the fight against climate change as host of the [G8] leaders' summit next month, unveiled on June 9 a long-term goal to cut greenhouse gas emissions by 60-80% from current levels by 2050. The initiative... [also calls for] 70% of newly built houses [to be] equipped with solar panels by 2020."

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