Report: Two-Thirds of New U.S. Refining Capacity to Handle Oilsands Crude. By Lauren Krugel, Canadian Press, June 5, 2008. "About two-thirds of new refining capacity in the U.S. will process 'dirty' crude oil from Alberta, environmental groups said Wednesday, as they sought to raise awareness about the ecological consequences of unrestrained oilsands development. Alberta's oilsands region, roughly the size of Florida, is seen by some in the U.S. as a secure energy supply that will help reduce American reliance on oil from overseas. But... the projects often lead to the destruction of huge swaths of wilderness, the creation of toxic wastewater lakes that can be seen from outer space and the emission of three times as much greenhouse gas as conventional oil developments, said a report by the Washington-based Environmental Integrity Project. 'And all this is going to accelerate as refiners place their bets on what seems to be a very big shift away from conventional crude to Canadian tar sands,' EIP director Eric Shaeffer [said]. 'It's really hard for me to imagine what else the U.S. oil industry could do to go backwards further and faster than to rely on Canadian tar sands or similar resources in the United States.' Also contributing... was Environmental Defence Canada, a Toronto environmental advocacy group... To view the press release, please click here [PDF, 3 pp]. To view the Tar Sands Report, please click here [PDF, 22 pp]. To view the Facts At A Glance Sheet, please click here [PDF, 2 pp]."

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