Talking Food with Barack Obama. Interview by Ari LeVaux, Durango Telegraph, June 5, 2008. "You voted for the Farm Bill, despite the enormous subsidies it provides to wealthy farmers. Why? Obama: 'The Farm Bill has many positive provisions, in particular, an increase in federal funding for the development of renewable fuels, which will help reduce our nation's dependence on foreign oil. The legislation provides an additional $10.3 billion for nutrition assistance programs, such as food stamps and school lunches. Although [it] is far from perfect, I support the legislation because it recognizes the important role of America's farmers and ranchers, and the need to develop our rural economy. It is regrettable that John McCain (who voted against it) does not agree. While the Farm Bill does lower significantly the income limits of farmers eligible for subsidies, it doesn't provide as much reform as I have advocated'... What policy initiatives would you propose to strengthen local food systems? Obama: 'Community supported farms... can provide an important source of fresh fruits and vegetables to inner city communities that do not have easy access to grocery stores that sell organic foods. Moreover, farms... that sell directly to consumers cut out all of the middlemen and get full retail price for their food, which increases the financial viability of small family farms. As president, I would implement USDA policies that promote local and regional food systems, including assisting states to develop programs aimed at community-supported farms. I also support a national farm-to-school program and am pleased that the Farm Bill provides more than $1 billion to expand healthy snacks in our schools.'"

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