World Maritime Body Seeks Deal on Cutting Ship Emissions. By Aasa Christine Stoltz, Reuters, June 23, 2008. "The International Maritime Organisation aims to agree this week on steps to cut greenhouse gas emissions in the global shipping industry by making vessels more energy-efficient... Norwegian ministers and IMO representatives said they hoped a meeting that opened in Oslo on Monday would reach agreement on design standards for new ships... Different studies estimate the share of world CO2 emissions from international shipping at between 2 [to] 4%, comparable [to] that [of] the aviation industry... More than 200 representatives from about 30 countries and organisations are [attending the meeting which runs until Friday]. A key principle is that any agreement must be applied globally and equally to all ships, regardless of the flag under which they are registered, Norwegian Minister of Trade and Industry Sylvia Brustad said in a statement with Solheim."

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