
California Air Board to Present Ambitious Plan to Battle Warming. By Matthew Yi, SFChron, June 22, 2008. "[The California Air Resources Board] will take center stage this week when it unveils a blueprint for the nation's most aggressive fight against global warming... Mary Nichols, chairwoman of the [air board] said the draft [plan]... which... will [be presented] Thursday to the 11-member board, will be... [finalized] by the end of the year... About 60% of the needed reductions can be obtained by implementing existing regulations or new rules that are in the regulatory pipeline... The broader question is how the state will meet the rest of the goal. Nichols said the air board will consider three broad areas -- additional regulations; requiring industries to pay fees for emitting carbon into the air; and developing a cap-and-trade system, a market for trading carbon credits that would allow high-polluting companies to pay low-polluting firms for their carbon credits."

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