
Green New Deal Needed... with Leaders to Push It Forward. BBC News, July 21, 2008. "A 'Green New Deal' is needed to solve current problems of climate change, energy and finance, a report... [by the] Green New Deal Group [argues, adding that] humanity only has 100 months to prevent dangerous global warming. Its proposals include major investment in renewable energy and the creation of thousands of new 'green collar' jobs. The name is taken from President Franklin D Roosevelt's 'New Deal', launched 75 years ago to bring the U.S. out of the Great Depression. The new grouping says rising greenhouse gas emissions, combined with escalating food and energy costs, mean the globe is facing one of its biggest crises since the 1930s. Its members include former Friends of the Earth UK director Tony Juniper, Green MEP Caroline Lucas and Andrew Simms, policy director of the new economics foundation... The group's recommendations include: massive investment in renewable energy and wider transformation in the UK; the creation of thousands of new 'green collar' jobs; making low-cost capital available to fund the UK's green economic shift; building a new alliance between environmentalists, industry, agriculture and unions."

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