Van Jones: Changing the Terms of the Debate. By Kate Sheppard, Grist, July 20, 2008. "Van Jones delivered the final keynote... at Networks Nation today, stopping in Austin to talk about green jobs and the political prospects for addressing both the energy and climate woes of the country... Jones, the founder of... Green For All... said that should Obama get elected, he'll face a lot of backlash from conservatives... [who] with [their] vested interests in fossil fuels are likely to try to encourage lower-income Americans to fight against new climate and energy policies for fear that they'll drive higher prices. It's the job of the netroots to send the message, [Jones said,] that this is 'not something we're going to do to poor and vulnerable people. It's something we're going to do for and with vulnerable people' -- and that new climate and energy policies are the only way to change the tide in the country. Jones emphasized the pursuit of a new, green economy as the solution... 'We have to change the terms of the debate,' [he] said... 'We've been getting our butts whooped by the drill, drill, drill mantra.' He called for a 'Green New Deal,' led by a coalition of progressives from across regions, demographics, and interests... 'It's our turn now,' he said."

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