
U.S. Senate GOP Drops ANWR. By Erica Bolstad, Anchorage Daily News, July 10, 2008. "Senate Republicans have dropped the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge from their energy policy discussions, focusing instead on persuading Democrats to lift a moratorium on offshore drilling. It's a move that has angered the longtime standard-bearer for drilling in ANWR, U.S. Sen. Ted Stevens, R-Alaska, who has vowed to put the issue back in front of his colleagues in the Senate... The decision to drop the ANWR proposal comes as both the House and the Senate are considering legislation intended to respond to the rising cost of gasoline. The two chambers are considering a number of different proposals, including legislation that would clamp down on speculation in the oil commodities markets, which is suspected of forcing prices upward for consumers. Other proposals include a push by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., to have President Bush release fuel from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve. The government has [already] stopped adding oil to the reserve."

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