
U.S. Energy Official Frowns on Cutting Back Ethanol. By Dina Cappiello, AP, July 11, 2008. "The Energy Department frowned on relaxing federal requirements to boost the use of ethanol in gasoline. Any reduction in the renewable fuel standard would sap investment in biofuel technology and undermine efforts to wean the nation off oil and reduce greenhouse gases, Deputy Assistant Energy Secretary Steven Chalk said Thursday. Chalk made the comments as the Bush administration is considering a request by Texas Gov. Rick Perry to halve the ethanol requirement this year, from nine billion gallons to 4.5 billion gallons, because of high corn prices. The renewable fuel standard was expanded in last year's energy bill to require 36 billion gallons of biofuels to be blended into gasoline by 2022... Perry met in Washington Wednesday with EPA Administrator Stephen Johnson, who will ultimately decide whether a waiver is granted. More than four dozen House Republicans and two dozen GOP senators, including presidential candidate John McCain, have written EPA in support of a waiver. And they are joined by some rare allies -- environmentalists."

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