
China Struggles to Get to Olympian Blue Skies. By Jim Yardley, NYTimes, August 1, 2008. "China's environmental regulators on Thursday unveiled stricter emergency pollution controls for the Olympic Games that would ... be invoked... only in the case of 'extremely unfavorable weather conditions'... The expected radiant, blue skies [over Beijing] have yet to appear... Earlier this week, China's state news media warned that... [additional plans included the possibility of] removing 90% of all vehicles from [Beijing] roads... The plan unveiled Thursday is not so severe; it maintains the odd-even restrictions but adds a new prohibition that bans driving on days that match the last number on a motorist's license plate... The plan would also suspend production at 105 more factories in Beijing and at 56 coal-fired power plants, chemical plants and other industries in Tianjin. Motorists in Tianjin... would also be subjected to the odd-even restrictions. In Hebei Province, motorists in major cities would face odd-even driving restrictions in the daytime and the early evening. The province would also suspend or reduce operations at 61 factories... 'Pictures cannot reflect reality,' said Du Shaozhong... of the Beijing environmental bureau... 'They are not accurate. I really urge you not to use photos to base your assessment of air quality.''

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