Two Massive Chunks Break off Ward Hunt Ice Shelf off Ellesmere Island in Arctic. AFP, July 30, 2008. "Two masses of ice together measuring almost... seven square miles... have broken off an Arctic ice shelf, the biggest breakup of Arctic ice in three years... The chunks broke off from the Ward Hunt Ice Shelf on the coast of Ellesmere Island in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago, forming two floating islands of ice measuring... 1.9 square miles and... 5.4 square miles... 'The first broke off sometime around July 22 and the second in the night of July 23 to 24,' Luc Desjardins, a senior iceberg forecaster for the Canadian Ice Service [said,] noting that beads of smaller slabs also detached from the ice shelf and are now adrift... It was the largest breakup of an ice shelf in the Arctic since the Ayles Ice Shelf split off Ellesmere Island in 2005 and formed a floating island roughly the size of... Manhattan."

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