Cuba is Left Battered. AFP, September 10, 2008. "Strong winds and rain threatened to unleash deadly floods and mudslides in Cuba Wednesday a day after Hurricane Ike spread devastation across the island... The communist Caribbean nation lifted a state of alert but much of the country remained paralyzed, lacking transport, electricity or drinking water... Ike left more than 100 people dead across the Caribbean on the back of several devastating storms... More than 20,000 people had been evacuated from colonial-era Old Havana, an elegant but fragile UNESCO World Heritage Site of centuries-old buildings that are prone to cave-ins. First reports showed that Ike caused six buildings to collapse completely and 46 partially in Havana and damaged thousands more... Ike killed only five people in Cuba after 2.6 million residents were evacuated from vulnerable areas. But the storm damaged vast areas of cropland and caused widespread power outages."

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