House Dems Offer Offshore Drilling Bill.By H. Josef Hebert, AP. September 10, 2008. "House Democrats offered a broader drilling proposal Wednesday that would allow offshore energy development beyond 50 miles from the coast if a state gives the go-ahead and opens all federal waters 100 miles from land. The drilling measure is part of a broader energy package expected to come up for a vote next week [and] that also would roll back tax breaks for the largest oil companies and require them to pay additional royalties with the money to be used to spur renewable energy programs and conservation. Federal waters within 50 miles of shore would continue to be protected from drilling. Waters off Florida's Gulf coast also would remain protected, at least until 2022 under the plan. But the proposal... would essentially end the long-standing federal ban on oil and gas drilling that has [protected] more than 80% of OCS waters from New England to Washington state. Congressional Republicans for weeks have demanded a vote on... offshore oil and gas [drilling]... But [they] have [also] strongly opposed new taxes on the oil companies as well as [requiring] utilities nationwide... to use at least 15% of their electricity from renewable sources. Both provisions are key to the Democrats' energy legislation... The Senate, meanwhile, is expected next week to take up several... proposals, including one that would open waters off the Atlantic -- from Virginia to Georgia [to] the eastern Gulf off Florida -- to drilling but keep the bans in place elsewhere. That plan also would allow for a 50-mile coastal buffer."

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