
'Clunkers' Environmental Payoff Could Take Years. By Jonathan Brinckman, The Oregonian, August 7, 2009. "For the auto industry, the cash-for-clunkers program has been a spectacular success, sparking more than 245,000 new-car sales and prompting the government to triple its stake in the incentive plan. But its benefit to the environment -- a main objective -- is less clear: For every clunker scrapped, a new vehicle must take its place. And that ride has a sizable carbon footprint before it even leaves the showroom. Plus, scrapping things that work runs counter to the environmental mantra, 'reduce, reuse and recycle'... 'There is something a little bit weird about throwing away something just to replace it with a green product,' said Chris Hagerbaumer, deputy director of the Oregon Environmental Council. 'It feeds into the throw-away mentality.'"

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