
Protests Planned Against Carbon Trade Summit in NYC, Jan 12-13. Act for Climate Justice, December 31, 2009. "Following closely on the heels of the failed UN Copenhagen climate conference, the Second Annual Carbon Trade Summit will be convened on January 12-13th in New York City, bringing together representatives of some of the most polluting industries, industry associations, carbon financiers, banks, government officials and corporate 'big greens.' Participants will include executives from JP Morgan Chase, Goldman Sachs, Duke Energy, and many more. Here they will discuss how to take advantage of the emerging carbon markets. Under a veneer of greenwash, they will be determining ways to ensure that marketable allowances for greenhouse gases (a.k.a., 'cap-and-trade' schemes) remain the centerpiece of global climate policy... ClimateSOS and Climate Pledge of Resistance [are planning a 'Peoples Alternative Carbon Summit'... A rally will be held outside of the venue [Embassy Suites Hotel, Jan. 13th, 12 noon]. Some may engage in nonviolent civil disobedience." On Jan 12 at noon there will be a press event featuring climate scientist James Hansen and Father Paul Mayer, co-founder of CCC and representing concerned members of the religious community.

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