
China and India Join Copenhagen Accord -- Sort Of. Guardian, March 12, 2010. "China and India wrote to the UN's climate secretariat today agreeing to be 'listed' as a parties to the Copenhagen accord, the last-minute agreement that emerged from the chaos of the UN's summit in Copenhagen. The action falls short of full "association" and highlights the gulf between the US - the strongest backer of the accord - and the other key nations on how to deliver a global deal to combat climate change. Since Copenhagen, there has been confusion over how a legally binding treaty to reduce greenhouse gas emissions can be achieved. All observers, including the UN's top climate official, Yvo de Boer, are now clear that no such deal will be signed in 2010, with a meeting in South Africa in December 2011 now seen as the earliest date. At the heart of the disagreement is whether a new global treaty, like the existing Kyoto protocol, must be agreed unanimously by all 192 members of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and be a continuation of Kyoto, which enshrines bindings carbon cuts on industrialised nations but not on developing ones."

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