
Developing Nations Submitting Candidates for Yvo de Boer's Job. By Alister Doyle, Reuters, March 8, 2010. "South Africa, India and Indonesia are vying to win the U.N.'s top climate change job, a key post to build trust between poor and rich in 2010 after the U.N.'s Copenhagen summit which set few binding targets. Many analysts expect a developing nation candidate will succeed Yvo de Boer, a Dutch citizen who said last month he would step down as head of the U.N. Climate Change Secretariat on July 1 after a grueling four years... The choice is up to U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, who says stronger action by all, mainly to curb emissions from burning fossil fuels, is needed to avert more heatwaves, droughts, floods and rising sea levels. Delegates from 194 nations will meet in Bonn, Germany, next month to try to prepare the next major talks, in Mexico from Nov. 29 to Dec. 10. Few expect a full-blown treaty this year and South Africa will host the talks in 2011."

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