Climate Risks Greater for Long Distance Migratory Birds. By Mark Kinver, BBC, 9/25/10. "Swallows are among the species that make long distance migrations to northern Europe. Birds embarking on long distance migrations are more vulnerable to shifts in the climate than ones making shorter journeys, a study suggests. Scientists say the increasingly early arrival of spring at breeding sites in Europe makes it harder for the birds to attract a mate or find food. The researchers warn that the 'increasing ecological mismatch' can lead to a decline in bird populations. The findings appear in the journal Proceedings B of the Royal Society [Climate Warming… and Population Decline in Migratory Birds].'The study was based on a very large dataset of 117 migratory bird species that migrate from Africa or southern Europe to northern Europe, covering about 50 years,' explained co-author Nicola Saino, from the University of Milan. By arriving late, the birds are probably missing the best period in which to breed.'"

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