
California's Clean-Tech Industry is Booming. By Tiffany Hsu, LATimes, 10/7/10. “The clean-tech industry is booming in California, with more money being invested in solar and other alternative energy start-ups than anywhere else in the world. But the state's dominant position is being threatened by competition from China and an upcoming ballot initiative [Proposition 23] that could undercut the industry's growth, according to two new studies unveiled Wednesday. So far, the state's green-tech industry, which includes electric vehicles, eco-friendly buildings and solar energy projects, has provided California with a much-needed economic boost… Clean-tech companies in Los Angeles and the Bay Area together employ about 20,000 manufacturing workers, according to the Next 10 study [2010 California Green Innovation Index, PDF, 72 pp], which was conducted by Collaborative Economics. Competition from overseas is also intensifying. China's green industry has lower labor costs, higher productivity and better incentives, according to Clean Edge Inc., a Portland, Ore., research firm that also released a report [Clean Tech Job Trends, 2010, PDF 29 pp] Wednesday [10/6/10].”

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