
Marketing Strategies for Energy Efficiency. By Jenny Mandel, Greenwire, 10/5/10. “Give the people what they want. Know your customer. Make it easy to do the right thing. These are some of the common-sense recommendations featured in a new [Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory] report [Driving Demand, PDF, 136 pp] that highlights just how unprepared many energy program designers are when it comes to selling efficiency to the public… For starters, the researchers said, don't offer ‘audits’ or ‘retrofits’ -- customers shy away from the negative connotations. Instead try offering ‘energy assessments’ and ‘upgrades,’ but focus messaging on health benefits, improved comfort, community pride or other benefits that consumers tend to care more about. Other suggestions included working with trusted local partners, minimizing the paperwork and hassles that customers face, and following the marketing rule of thumb that it takes three ‘touches’ to convince most people that something is worth buying into.”

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