Activists in Michigan Warn Against Coal Provision in Energy Bill. By David Eggert, AP, July 16, 2008. "Environmentalists warned Tuesday that Michigan will be stuck with more coal-fired power plants if lawmakers do not significantly change an energy plan that passed the state Senate last month. Activists stood outside the state Capitol with large inflatable smokestacks to depict the dangers of coal... [saying] energy legislation approved June 27 'under the cover of night' by Senate Republicans is a 'travesty.' A plan passed by the Democratic-led House would require that 10% of Michigan's power come from renewable sources... by the end of 2015...[and that] utilities... save 1% of electricity through efficiency programs in 2012 and beyond. The Senate voted to require that a combined 7% of power come from renewable sources, 'clean' coal plants or... saved through energy efficiency by the end of 2015... Terry Miller... of the Lone Tree Council and opponent of proposed coal-fired plants in Midland and outside Bay City, accused... GOP senators of 'leading the charge to keep Michigan locked up in the energy dark ages'... Because legislators think green power is more expensive than power supplied from old coal plants -- at least in the short run -- residents would be charged up to $2 more a month over 20 years and be allowed an income tax credit to offset the costs under the Senate plan. The House set a $3 monthly cap for residents... Environmentalists said building more coal plants instead of requiring cleaner power ultimately would cost customers more... They said Michigan would lose out on jobs and economic investment by passing a weak mandate for green energy. There are eight proposed coal plants in Michigan, which environmental groups said is the most in the country."

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