Brown Sets 'No Upper Limit' on Number of UK Reactors. By Andrew Grice, London Independent, July 14, 2008. "[Britain's Prime Minister] Gordon Brown is to fast-track the building of at least eight nuclear power stations to cut Britain's dependence on oil following the dramatic rise in its price. The PM will set 'no upper limit' on the number... [meaning] nuclear, which provides about 20% of Britain's electricity, could meet a bigger share after the new generation of nuclear stations come on stream over the next 15 years... Yesterday, the Prime Minister outlined his vision of a 'post-oil economy', calling for 'a renaissance of nuclear power' and 'massive expansion' of renewable energy in which the North Sea becomes 'the Gulf of the future' by harnessing the power of the wind. He promised that on nuclear, Britain would work to ensure the best arrangements for security, safety and disposal. Addressing 42 leaders from the EU, North Africa and Middle East at a 'Union for the Mediterranean' summit in Paris, he said that oil dependency posed a threat to economic stability and family finances and was not environmentally sustainable. He supported the creation of 'sun farms' in the Sahara and across the region."

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