Kansas Gov. Kathleen Sebelius Looks Back... and Forward. Posted by Kate Sheppard, Grist, July 10, 2008. "Among the many names swirling in the Obama VP buzz is that of Kansas Gov. Kathleen Sebelius. A second-term Democratic governor in what's traditionally seen as a bastion of conservatism, Sebelius earned national attention as the chair of the Democratic Governors Association in 2007 and for delivering the Democratic response to this year's State of the Union. But for many environmentalists, she made her mark with [her epic struggle against Sunflower Electric's efforts to build more coal-fired capacity in Kansas]... Grist caught up with Sebelius by phone [last] week to talk more about the coal fight in Kansas, the lessons it can deliver for other states, and what she would bring to Obama's ticket should she get the nod."

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