Dueling between Coal and Renewable Energy in West Virginia. By Ken Ward, Jr., Charleston Gazette, (WV), August 19, 2008. "This morning, West Virginia political leaders and industry officials will gather at a Charleston hotel to promote coal's role in meeting the nation's energy needs. At the same time, in cyberspace, the group Coal River Mountain Watch plans to launch a national campaign to build a wind energy project -- instead of permitting a series of strip mines -- in Raleigh County… Participants [at the coal forum] will focus on recommendations from the business group Imagine West Virginia: more money for coal-related research, promoting safer mining practices, training more miners, and better promoting the industry. Among the top goals is 'a re-branding of the state's image…' The Coal River Wind Project's… [proponents declare it] is a real alternative to continued reliance on mountaintop removal mining. 'This would be the biggest wind farm proposed on the East Coast, and could provide a model for other[s]… looking to develop affordable, clean energy and create safe, healthy jobs…' said Matt Noerpel… [of] Coal River Mountain Watch."

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