
Kerry Lambastes McCain on Climate Policy. Posted by Kate Sheppard, Gristmill, August 27, 2008. "Former presidential candidate and Sen. John Kerry (D-Mass.) on McCain's changing policies: 'Candidate McCain criticizes the climate change bill that Sen. McCain wrote... talk about being for it before you're against it. Before he debates Barack Obama, John McCain should finish the debate with himself.'" Grist Interviews Google on Geothermal. Posted by Kate Sheppard, Gristmill, August 27, 2008. "At a reception sponsored by the 'Clean Tech for Obama' group yesterday, we had a chance to talk to Dan Reicher, director of Climate and Energy Initiatives for Google.org, who filled us in on the company's big investment in geothermal energy, [particularly its development of a new technology that can be used almost anywhere called Enhanced Geothermal Systems,] and other renewable initiatives they have underway."

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