Canadian Environmentalist Call for End of Fearmongering on Green Shift. By Juliet O'Neill, CanWest, September 21, 2008. "As the Liberals struggle to show their Green Shift carbon-tax proposal as just one of many election campaign pledges, environmentalists say it's time the Conservatives switched from attacking the Grits and started explaining and defending their own carbon-pricing plan. 'This is the first time in the history of Canada that we're having a debate about the environment as a central question in an election,' said Graham Saul, executive director of Climate Action Network Canada. 'But it's been all about the Liberals' plan and that's happened as a result of fearmongering rather than a constructive public debate about the relative merits of the different plans of the different political parties.' Environment Minister John Baird defended the government's strategy in an interview and said he has been vigorously promoting Turning the Corner - the Conservative proposal to set carbon-pollution reduction requirements on big industry in 2010."

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