
City-wide Wi-Fi and Cell Phones Termed Dangerous, Especially for Children. By Michelle LaLonde, Montreal Gazette, September 14, 2008. "A WHO task force published a review of the health implications of extremely low frequency... fields in June last year and concluded 'there are no substantive health issues'... But in August [2007], another international working group... told a different story. That group, called the BioInitiative Working Group, reviewed more than 2,000 scientific studies and reviews and concluded that 'existing public safety limits are inadequate' to protect the public from health hazards related to extremely low frequency electromagnetic fields and radiofrequency radiation. 'Cities should not be looking to establish city-wide Wi-Fi because of the potential health effects, particularly on children,' said Cindy Sage, who co-wrote that report. Sage is an environmental scientist based in Santa Barbara, Calif., who specializes in health effects of electromagnetic fields. She advises parents not to let children use cell phones or cordless phones, and encourages schools to use wired cable modems to gain access to the Internet rather than wireless technology."

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