'Natural' Products More and More Mainstream. By Marla Cone, LATimes, September 14, 2008. "Natural and nontoxic are going mainstream. Driven by regulations, consumer demand, an eco-friendly business philosophy and fear of future lawsuits, large corporations, retailers and manufacturers are eliminating some chemicals, pulling products off shelves and redesigning others. The names are familiar: Wal-Mart, the Walt Disney Co., Ikea, Home Depot, Nalgene, Kaiser Permanente, Baxter HealthCare, Gerber, Clorox and Origins. Yale University chemistry professor Paul Anastas, known as the father of green chemistry, said the movement is 'not simply choosing the next, less-bad thing off the shelf. It's about designing something that is genuinely good'... But the greening of chemistry is a slow shift, not a revolution. Most chemists lack basic training in understanding environmental hazards and seeking safer solutions, and many businesses resist changing familiar chemicals and manufacturing."

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