
Ontario to Introduce Green Energy Bill Monday. By Keith Lesley, CanadianPress, February 25, 2009. "Ontario's Liberal government hopes its Green Energy Act to be introduced Monday will create 50,000 new jobs and transform the province's struggling economy, but environmentalists warn the plan relies too heavily on nuclear power... Greenpeace Canada said the Green Energy Act is a good tool, but won't really help if the province sticks to its plan to have nuclear power provide 50 per cent of Ontario's electricity needs, the same level it currently provides... The Ontario Clean Air Alliance also wants the government to use the Act to signal a move away from nuclear power... Premier Dalton McGuinty has warned activists and municipalities that the province won't tolerate any objections to new wind turbines or solar panel farms that aren't based on safety or environmental concerns... Coal currently makes up about 15 per cent of Ontario's electricity needs, but the Liberals want to phase it out completely by 2014."

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