
Spending Bill Would Nix Bush Endangered Species Rules. By Dina Cappiello, AP, February 25, 2009. "The $410 billion House spending bill designed to keep the government afloat through the rest of the budget year could sink two Bush administration rules that eased protections for endangered species. Tucked into the proposal put forward by House Democrats is a provision that would allow the interior secretary and commerce secretary to withdraw Bush administration regulations that reduce the input of federal scientists in endangered species decisions and block the law from being used to fight global warming. The rule reduces the mandatory, independent reviews government scientists have performed for 35 years. It also prohibits federal agencies from assessing a project's contribution to global warming when they evaluate its effect on species. The other regulation targeted in the spending bill deals with the polar bear. When the Bush administration determined last May that the survival of the bear was threatened by climate change, it included a special rule that allowed oil and gas drilling to continue without increased protections... Republicans on Tuesday called for the provision to be removed. 'This is a backdoor maneuver to create vast new climate change powers without any public comment or involvement of the American people,' said Rep. Doc Hastings of Washington, ranking member of the House Natural Resources Committee. The bill is expected to come the House floor for a vote on Wednesday."

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