The Coen Brothers Do Clean Coal. By Tom Zeller Jr., NYTimes, February 26, 2009. "Even as President Obama continues to push for development of 'clean coal' -- a broad term used widely by the coal industry to describe traditional coal energy generation outfitted with a variety of emissions-capturing technologies -- the effort to portray that idea as mere greenwash continues apace. The latest salvo [YouTube, 30 sec.] enlists the directorial expertise -- and no doubt the dry wit -- of brothers Joel and Ethan Coen, the creators of popular oddball films like Fargo and The Big Lebowski. The duo took part at the invitation of the Reality Coalition, a partnership of big-hitter environmental groups spearheaded by the Alliance for Climate Protection and dedicated to the proposition that the idea of 'clean coal' is, at least for now, bunkum."

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