
Denmark's Wind of Change. By Bryan Walsh, Time, February 28, 2009. "Wind turbines now dot Denmark, the country gets more than 19% of its electricity from the breeze (Spain and Portugal, the next highest countries, get about 10%) and Danish companies control a whopping one-third of the global wind market, earning billions in exports and creating a national champion from scratch... The challenge now for Denmark is to help the rest of the world catch up. Beyond wind, the country (pop. 5.5 million) is a world leader in energy efficiency, getting more GDP per watt than any other member of the E.U. Carbon emissions are down 13.3% from 1990 levels and total energy consumption has barely moved, even as Denmark's economy continued to grow at a healthy clip. With Copenhagen set to host all-important U.N. climate change talks in December -- where the world hopes for a successor to the expiring Kyoto Protocol -- and the global recession beginning to hit environmental plans in capitals everywhere, Denmark's example couldn't be more timely."

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