
West Virginian Citizens Lobby in DC for a Moratorium on Mountaintop Removal Permits. By Ken Ward Jr., Charleston Gazette-Mail, March 18, 2009. "Environmental groups and coalfield residents are pushing the Obama administration this week to take action to block new mountaintop removal mining permits in Appalachia. Leaders of several citizens groups met with administration officials Monday and Tuesday in Washington to ask for a moratorium on new permits until federal regulators can come up with a plan to ban mountaintop removal permanently. The push comes a month after a federal appeals court struck down the latest in a series of court rulings aimed at tougher oversight of mountaintop removal permitting by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Environmentalists say more than 100 permits are pending at the corps office in Huntington that would bury more than 200 miles of streams in Southern West Virginia and Eastern Kentucky. 'Our members feel a sense of urgency like never before,' said Jim Foster, a Van resident and member of the Ohio Valley Environmental Coalition."

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