Reps Filner and Kucinich Calling on Obama to Make 350 The Goal. Press Release, Citizens Climate Lobby, October 24, 2009. "U.S. Rep. Bob Filner (D-CA) told hundreds of environmental activists Saturday that he would ask President Obama to go to Copenhagen and seek agreement with other global leaders on the need to reduce the level of carbon-dioxide in the Earth's atmosphere to 350 parts per million. Filner spoke by teleconference to members and guests of Citizens Climate Lobby who were participating in events marking the International Day of Climate Action. The CCL gatherings were among more than 4,000 events held throughout the world Saturday that called upon policy-makers to target 350 ppm as the limit of CO2 necessary to keep global temperatures from rising to catastrophic levels. The events were organized by the climate action group 350.org. Filner announced that he and Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) will circulate a letter in the House of Representatives next week calling upon the President to lead other nations toward acceptance of the 350 ppm target."

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