Thousands of Events Mark Worldwide Day of Climate Action. AFP, October 25, 2009. "Kicking off with thousands gathering on the steps of Sydney's iconic Opera House, global warming protests took placeprotests took place around the world Saturday to mark 50 days before the UN climate summit. From Asia to Europe via the Middle East, activists staged lively events addressing world leaders and to mobilize public opinion around climate issues. Many waved placards bearing the logo 350, referring to 350 parts per million (ppm) of CO2 in the atmosphere which scientists say must not be exceeded to avoid runaway global warming... In London, more than 600 people gathered beneath the London Eye Ferris wheel by the River Thames to arrange themselves into the shape of the number five, according to organizers Campaign against Climate Change... In central Madrid, the Spanish capital, members of the Platform Against Climate Change, grouping social organizations, ecologists and unions, acted out parodies of the 'catastrophic consequences of climate change on the planet.'"

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