
Cities Working With Car Companies to Prepare for Electric Vehicles. By Ángel González, WSJ, May 10, 2010."Electric cars are finally heading to the mass market -- and cities are starting to get ready for them. With the Nissan Leaf and Chevy Volt due to launch late this year, the car companies are making deals with local officials around the country to set up public charging stations and make it easier for customers to power up at home. In some areas, utilities are also backing the efforts, offering customers special rate packages for recharging their cars. But the electrification efforts aren't limited to the usual suspects -- traditionally green cities like San Francisco and Seattle. Efforts are also under way in places like Orlando, Indianapolis and Memphis, Tenn., where the motor vehicle is the main mode of transportation -- and where electric cars will likely meet their ultimate success or failure. 'If it can work in Houston, it can work anywhere,' says James Tillman, assistant director of the city of Houston's finance department, and a big proponent of the municipality's embrace of electric vehicles."

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