
Colorado Coal Mine Can Install Vent Holes in Roadless Area. AP, May 13, 2010. "A western Colorado coal mine received approval Thursday to drill wells on roadless forest land to vent methane. The drilling at the Elk Creek Mine near Paonia was among 14 projects approved nationally in roadless forest areas, which have been the subject of court battles across the country. U.S. Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack, whose department manages the national forests, gave the approval. The area where drilling will occur is on roadless forest land that was declared off-limits to development under a 2001 policy adopted by the Clinton administration. Some of the roughly 58 million acres protected nationwide under the policy was potentially opened to development under the Bush administration.

"Amid court battles over the differing policies, Colorado submitted a plan to federal officials for managing the state's 4.2 million acres of roadless forests. The Obama administration is defending the Clinton-era policy in court, and has given Vilsack sole authority to approve projects in roadless areas in the meantime. Vilsack said the work at the Elk Creek Mine is allowed under the 2001 policy because the mine predated the rule. He said temporary roads are needed to drill the wells. A buildup of methane in coal mines can cause explosions. Gov. Bill Ritter and a bipartisan group of legislators urged Vilsack to allow the wells, while some environmental groups called on him to reject the project... Some of the areas that were protected under the Clinton-era policy have trails and roads, but generally are valued for their pristine qualities and are considered important as wildlife habitat, watersheds and recreation areas."

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