Offshore Projects in Northern Europe Hampered Supply Shortages. By Selina Williams, WSJournal, September 13, 2010. "Northern Europe's ambitious plans for adding offshore wind power are getting off to a rough start -- because of weaknesses in the supply chain. The U.K., Denmark, the Netherlands, Belgium and other Northern European neighbors are gearing up to add giant wind farms up to 120 miles off their coasts. The move is part of their efforts to shift to renewable power sources to meet tough European Union climate-change targets for 2020 and ensure the region isn't too dependent on imported supplies of natural gas... The supply shortages threaten to delay or add billions in extra costs to an endeavor that's already immensely expensive. At today's prices, it will take around $185 billion to meet the European Wind Energy Association's target of 40 gigawatts of offshore wind power by 2020. That's enough electricity to supply around 34 million households."

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