
Planned Coal Plant Generates Controversy in Texas. By Matthew Tresaugue, Houston Chronicle, September 25, 2010. "The idea had undeniable power at first: the cleanest coal-fired plant in Texas. But now, with the White Stallion Energy Center about to receive an air pollution permit from the state, many local officials and residents are having second thoughts -- even in the face of 12% unemployment... In and around Bay City, the county's hub, opponents are planting roadside signs showing a menacing monster billowing from smokestacks, with the rallying cry: 'Stop White Stallion Coal Plant'… Others see promise instead of peril. Supporters of the $3 billion proposal include officials at the Matagorda County Economic Development Corp., the Bay City Chamber of Commerce and the superintendent of the Bay City Independent School District. They say the plant would mean hundreds of jobs, higher incomes and better lives for some of the 38,000 people in the county… Coal is the dirtiest fuel for making electricity, but jobs are a big motivating factor in towns that are struggling. And that's why some folks think Randy Bird picked Bay City. 'We're simply too small, with no political clout, and hungry for economic development,' said Robert Malina, a retired professor who has led a local group called the No Coal Coalition."

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