Sen. Harry Reid Says It Like It Is. By Lisa Mascaro, Las Vegas Sun, July 10, 2008. "Sen. Harry Reid has a knack for blurting out the one thing nagging in the back of some people's minds the thing few people of his stature dare to say, for fear of looking off kilter. Last week the majority leader did it again when he told Fox Business News that 'coal makes us sick.' The comment ricocheted across the political landscape, drawing mostly scoffs and ridicule. After the video was posted on the Drudge Report, it shot up to No. 1 on YouTube. This is what he said: 'The one thing we fail to talk about is those costs that you don't see on the bottom line. That is, coal makes us sick. Oil makes us sick. It's global warming. It's ruining our country. It's ruining our world. We've got to stop using fossil fuel.'"

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